Pre-Training Evaluation
A pre-training evaluation is required for dogs struggling with fear or aggression issues to make sure my training programs would be a good fit. The evaluation lasts approximately 90 minutes.
The evaluation will cover:
Your dog's behavior history
Observation of your dog's behavior
Some management and basic training skills to get you started
Discussion of prognosis and next steps
Let's Be Friends!
This program consists of seven 45 minute in-home sessions and includes:
Introduction to reward-based training and using a clicker
Defensive leash handling skills
Management skills to set your dog up for success
Finding out your dog's triggers, personal space needs and thresholds
Focus and calming exercises
Redirection and disengagement techniques
Advice on calming aids or supplements (if necessary)
Proper greetings
Muzzle training (if necessary)*
A visit to a dog-friendly public space when your dog is ready
Personalized notes and progress reports are included with every session, as well as free help via email or phone during program enrollment.
* For dogs with a bite history, muzzle training is required.